Friday, September 19, 2014

Captain's Log

Time is such an incredible thing. I've been training myself to enjoy the hours in a day; to fill and explore them instead of count them. Empty time feels like a burden. 
Time is on my mind. There are 7 days left until I uproot to Minnesota, which feels like an eternity, but is actually less than 175 hours. Not that I'm counting.

I've packed, unpacked, and repacked multiple times already. Inventorying my belongings is such a struggle...I imagine those cute little devil-angel duos as I argue with myself:
"Aww, notes from my middle school boyfriend professing his love for me. Too bad we were 12. Toss." "...but what if you bump into each other in 5 years and rekindle your love?? You can show these to your kids!!" 
"I haven't worn this in over 3 years, time to give it away." "...but what if you make a lot of fancy friends and they invite you to fancy parties and you need something fancy to wear?!?"
Sometimes I let the irrational/sentimental side win, but I think I've done a decent job of convincing myself that if I get rid of things, I have a really good excuse to go shopping later.
What I have been able to part with has caused some issues. Most of it goes in the give away box or the recycling bin (yes, I did get rid of those middle school love notes)...but the moldy bow from a flower arrangement at my Nana's funeral in 1998? The stack of Oregon Trail and American Girl CD-ROM games; the various cosmetics given to me as gifts by people who hadn't noticed I clearly have no idea how to use them; the plethora of Backstreet Boys and N*Sync albums?
Most of this random, #throwbackthursday-worthy crap went in the trash, or is sitting around in the basement because I can't decide what to do with it. Seven days to figure it out, right?

So, speaking of trash, it's about half-way full:

Like the pics? Follow me on instagram for more! @alittlegreenlife

I've been slightly more liberal lately about the products I use and toss, since it's not as full as I thought it would be by now. I know that's probably not the right attitude to have about this project, but to be honest I'm mildly overwhelmed by the current happenings of my life and some days I just need a f*%#ing individually wrapped protein bar, okay?!? Phew, sorry for the aggressive escalation...but you see what I mean. 

I've done some digging into recycling services offered in Minneapolis. As you can guess if you've heard anything about the progressive nature of the city, they offer both recycling and composting at the curb...score!! I'm so used to dragging all my recyclables to the nearest drop off center that the thought of only having to roll a cart to the curb is especially exciting.
We may do some backyard composting too if I can get the roommates on board, since they already have a vegetable garden going. Pet waste will be a challenge again...I'm certainly not dragging the outhouse-composter all the way to Minneapolis. I've researched some other methods, so we'll see what will work when I get there. 

Alrighty then...that's it for now. Stay tuned for an update from MPLS!

A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there. 

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