Last week we had an incident where I didn't think I would, though. 8 AM: making my lunch in the kitchen. Boyfriend flushes toilet upstairs. Kitchen sink fills with sewage, and it starts spewing all over the laundry room...
Needless to say, I let the landlord deal with that one. Unfortunately, the landlord and the plumber don't quite know about this project of mine. I came home after work to holes in the wall and yard...and drywall dust in our trash can.
After some research, I found that drywall can be composted, and some people till it directly into their gardens. Since I'm not sure what type this was, I decided to put it in the poop composter just to be safe. Do you have any idea how hard it is to move drywall dust with your bare hands, in blasting winds? Turns out it's not easy. It stuck to everything that was already in the trash can. Eventually I got out a satisfactory amount and gave up on the rest.
We also had a rug casualty due to this incident. Our laundry room carpet suffered serious complications from it's exposure to raw sewage, and had to be removed permanently. Kyle rolled it up and took it to a dumpster. I'm not sure if that counts as cheating or not, since the rug was at least twice the size of a 13-gallon trash can. I'm going to count it as an emergency disposal, and continue on with the rest of the project. Fair?
Then, this happened:
6 years old!!
This little guy turned 6 years old this past Saturday. For those who don't already know- Dane is Kyle's son, and I met him when he was 15 months old, wearing only a diaper. Now he doesn't even let me in the room when he's changing his clothes...(sigh). Anyway, we accidentally "planned" a party to take place on Saturday. My shopping for party supplies went pretty well- everything had an afterlife recycling or composting plan. Most everyone who came reads my blog, so they also knew to ask before they threw anything away. When it came time for dessert, I pulled out the cupcakes Grandma brought and realized a. these are going to be delicious and b. they have wax paper wrappers. I'm not aware of a recycling facility in the area that takes waxed paper covered in chocolate, and I'm getting mixed answers in my research about composting them. Anybody have a good solution for me?? They are still sitting around the house waiting for a proper resting place.
The rest of the party went smoothly. I was able to save all the tissue paper and bags from presents, and will be reusing the wrapping paper somewhere, somehow.
My dad also came up with a good idea for that ceramic plate in the trash- crushing it up and using it to fill holes in the driveway. I'll probably do that when the driveway isn't covered in snow. (Isn't it awesome that I'm taking more stuff out of the trash while hardly adding to it?!?)
So, unexpected trauma aside, January is still going well.
"Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without"